SAP® TS 410 Certification At Grand Valley State University

SAP®TS 410认证是大峡谷州立大学ERP计划的独特方面之一. This intensive certification training, during GVSU's spring/summer term, is offered at just a handful of universities across North America.  通过SAP®认证考试的商科学生和非商科学生都将在理解世界各地公司采用的业务流程方面具有优势.  In addition to the knowledge they gain, 参与者还展示了他们对使用SAP®或其他ERP系统的兴趣和能力.

By the end of the certification process, 参与者将对端到端业务及其在SAP S/4 HANA环境中的集成有很好的理解.


  • Execute tasks with confidence and skill.
  • 拥有SAP技能的人非常抢手,他们的工资增长往往超过市场.
  • Exclusive access to SAP's®包含重要新闻、帮助文档、补丁和其他软件的私人网站.
  • Distinguish yourself in the current marketplace by becoming an SAP® Certified Associate.


Who Should Participate

Current business and non-business students 谁想要追求更高级、更有技术的SAP技能,从而在就业市场上获得巨大的竞争优势, 包括不同类型和层次的职业选择的独特机会.  Students must also meet the following prerequisites:

In-person attendance is highly recommended. 如果面谈不符合您的日程安排,请联系Jaideep Motwani进行虚拟选择.



只有在SAP注册本科或研究生学术课程的学生® 大学联盟机构(Grand Valley就是这样的机构),都有资格参加. 这是一个密集的教育经历,参与者必须精通业务流程和SAP® ERP through MGT 351 (with a B or better).



Total Cost


Enrollment fees for the 2-credit TS-410 course (August 12-23, 2024) plus the certification exam fee, paid directly to SAP University Alliances.

Important Dates



April 26

Register To Be Matched With A Coach

RSVP by Friday, May 3

教师教练将被指派支持和指导您通过您的认证准备. 他们会向您提供额外的认证准备材料.

August 12

Class begins.

August 23

Last day of class and certification exam.

Examination fee to be paid to SAP University Alliances. Upon passing the exam, you will become SAP TS410 Certified.

In-person attendance is highly recommended. If needed, contact Jaideep Motwani for virtual availability.

More Details

Jaideep Motwani
Seidman College of Business
Email: [email protected]

The Department of Management
Seidman College of Business
Grand Valley State University

SAP® Certification Students' Perspectives

Connor Cavallaro

Certification Importance From A Student's Perspective

Whether you are an MIS major or not, SAP认证学院不仅在短期内有益,而且从长远来看也是有益的. This certification provides students an opportunity of a lifetime, putting the pieces together of course work from previous MIS instruction. 为期10天的集训是我在格兰德山谷面临的最艰巨的挑战, but the most rewarding too. After completing this certification, you will gain a unique skill set, which is highly sought upon by employers. Personally, the academy set me up not only for a credible post-graduate career, but also lasting friendships!

与其他预科课程相比,从大峡谷州立大学SAP认证学院获得的知识是无与伦比的. Throughout the 10 days, 800多页的材料将被分解成模块,以帮助您更好地处理信息. 教师是无可挑剔的,并支持班级尽其所能. 如果我能给你一些建议,那就是坚持一个3-5人的学习小组,并在需要的时候休息一下. 如果您对认证有任何疑问,请随时与我联系, I am more than willing to provide help in any way that I can.                     

~ Connor Cavallaro, TS410 SAP Certified Associate - 2019

Alex Lee

Certification Preparation From A Student's Perspective

"Going into the academy, 我非常紧张的内容和大量的学习时间,我知道在我面前. The binder can seem daunting at first, 通过它的结构方式,是令人惊讶的容易浏览和理解. After the first day, 我和老师相处得很融洽,和同学们也很亲密. The lectures aren’t what you would expect normal lectures to be. 它们包括大量的小组对话,教师和学生一起工作,以充分理解概念并适应每个人不同的学习风格. 

我给那些准备认证的人的一些建议是保持专注, prepare ahead of time, and collaborate with your colleagues. In the month prior the exam, I purchased Business Processes : A Bridge to SAP and a Guide to SAP TS410 Certification (根据您所参加的培训的不同版本,准备文本可能会有所不同.这本书在我进入学院深入研究之前,刷新了我的基本概念,为我的考试做了准备. 此外,在整个过程中,小组合作对我非常有利. In a small group setting, I was able to learn from my peers, the things they understood well that day, and teach them the things that I had a good understanding of. Lastly, this academy is only 10 days. It may seem like a long time at first, but it really does fly by. 在这段时间里,努力学习、全神贯注是很重要的. 获得SAP认证的影响将对您未来几年的职业生涯和未来产生巨大影响, 因此,学生们应该利用这个通过GVSU的有利机会.”

~ Alex Lee, TS410 SAP Certified Associate - 2019

Valerie Kozak

Certification Experience From A Student's Perspective

每次有同学问我博天堂官方网页大峡谷的TS410认证, I always encourage them to go for it. 我通常从学生那里听到的第一个犹豫是博天堂官方网页费用, and I am always quick to reply, “There are scholarships available for it!“无论遇到什么障碍,Grand Valley都会确保学生在ERP项目中取得成功. 讲师和课程将提高你的整体业务和技术技能. 这种知识和技能的增强将允许您在现实世界的应用程序中利用它. 

这是我在大峡谷大学生涯中做出的最好的决定之一. 我目前是一名SAP学生实习生,帮助我的同龄人成功完成他们的作业,并帮助在Grand Valley利用SAP创建新课程. This test has allowed me to better understand the business processes, 引导学生们完成作业比我没有做过更容易. Whenever I have job interviews or speak with employers, they are always thoroughly impressed with this skill set. They always follow up with more questions. 因为参加了TS410考试,我获得了很多机会. It is an incredible accomplishment to look back on, 我强烈建议任何考虑这个问题的人都要自我教育,尽自己最大的努力!

~ Valerie Kozak, TS410 SAP Certified Associate - 2019

Page last modified April 24, 2024